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How it Started

In 2017, while sipping coffee with my sisters, Vanity Unapologetic was conceived. A few months later, a life-altering brain stroke in July landed me in the ICCU, where I made a promise to pursue my dreams with unwavering faith if I survived. As I regained my health, a profound purpose emerged - to make a positive impact in people's lives through fashion. In the midst of the lockdown, I committed to learning and growth, taking courses to deepen my understanding of the fashion industry. Vanity Unapologetic started slowly but steadily, reflecting the unwavering spirit that carried me through recovery, and today, it stands as a testament to our dedication to inspire and empower others through the world of fashion.


My Mission

With Vanity Unapologetic, my mission is to empower women with confidence through the transformative power of clothing. We believe that confidence starts from within, and clothes are a tool to express how you feel about yourself.

Our mantra is simple: "Dress the way you want to be addressed." With a goal to reach a million people and make a positive impact, I am here to help you embrace your inner confidence and project your unapologetic beauty. Join us on this empowering journey.

My Vision

Simple yet powerful: I aim to reach a million people with the message that self-belief is the key to success. No one will uplift you until you uplift yourself. I am here to make a difference by creating an optimistic and exuberant environment where you can be your unapologetic self.

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