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  • Writer's pictureShikha Khemka

Fashunn!!!...age has no limit...or limit your age?

Love it or hate it.

Fashion is around us all the time.

No matter who you are, where you are. it surrounds us.

You don't need to like shopping or go through fashion magazines. Its in your face 24*7

Clothes are made for us or we are made for the clothes?

Trends are made available for children and adults .

Which generation are the designers targeting?

20 something or 35 PLUS WITH A BODY OF 20?


When shopping the look books are filled with models who are not more than 20 something.

they are ALL SIZE 0{capital}.

Realistically speaking the spending power is not with that age group & having said that ,that segment is neglected and left confused.

You may ask me why?

This group has the purchasing power.

They wanna dress for themselves. RITE, LADIES?!!?

They have a clear perspective about themselves & KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT.

In short ideal client.

BUT what is leaving them confused?

Am i dressing too young?

Am i dressing too old?

Every1 is trying their best to dress well.


The Society doesn't accept ageing .

At the same time trying to make women look YOUNG.( not against looking young , completely for it ;) but not at some1s mental health at stake)

"So dress your age is a statement but how many are ready to actually accept that."

Where are the clothes for that category?

TRUST ME . If a fashion house targets that audience.. they will be profitable from day one.

Any doubts?!?

"Age gracefully" earlier meant beautiful sarees our moms used to wear.

With time that has changed too.

Moms love wearing denims now.

Oh my mom too!

everyone wants to look and feel confident.

Clothes play a huge role in it.

Quiet , yet so powerful!

thus fashion is empowering for some but confusing for the rest.

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